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Everything posted by jen

  1. I have started to take my son to a special needs football. It is fantastic. There is a lot of money being allocated by the FA for special needs children. Eventually they hope to hold tournaments. Its also helps the parents to meet other parents in simailar difficulties. In our group we have children with moderate learning difficulty, ADHD, Autsim, Dypraxia, cerabal palsy. All the children enjoy it and everyone is included. Jen
  2. My sons teacher had a rough day with him on Thursday and Friday. She said she was so stressed and told me to have a nice weekend. I told her we can not turn ASD off for the weekend as it was always present in one form or another. Its amazing how teachers forget we have it 24 hours. Jen
  3. jen

    i NEED to moan

    just play it down. You have made the arrangement, he knows about it. Do not upset yourself as you need a break. Jen
  4. Its a difficult situation but with more time the kids feelings may change. Give it a while before you make a decision Jen
  5. Viper, you need professional help. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make an appointment to see your GP tomorrow. Then update us on your situation. Sending lots of moral support Jen
  6. jen


    my friends child holds it together until he comes out of school then he attacks her in the playground and uses her as a punching bag.# Its very difficult as a number of things can stress our children both at school and at home. Jen
  7. why does the statement say no more than 3 LSA. I would want 1 LSA with training in................ It says the school has to set aside the funding. Legally the LEA have to provide the funding. Its not a good clear statement. How are they going to communicate between home and school. I would want a daily dairy put in this section. If it is not written in the statement then the school do not have to do it. It would be better if the statement said teaching adjusted to suit your childs learning style. If your child has problems writing things down why hasn't he had an assessment for IT equipment. What about alternative methods to show learning has taken place. They have to specify the amount of hours see IPSEA ruling. Jen
  8. I would still write to the LEA, school governor, head teacher and state part time school is just delaying addressing the needs of your child. When your child is 5 years old his difficulties are not going to diasppear. As I have said before they should be getting the specalist support service in to monitor help and advise. Do not take it personally, schools will do all sorts so they do not have to deal with the problem. They will ignore you disregard what you say. They do not seek help. Some schools believe if they make it difficult for you you will take your child away. A letter to your school, special needs governor etc stating your concerns and asking for a meeting will help to address your sons difficulties. Remember if it is in writing it happened. If it is not in writing then it will be ignored. Welcome to the world of inclusion for special needs children. You need to know your write and use these to help your child. I actually took my childs statement into school (after being ignored by the teacher) and said to the headmistress under section ...... you are not meeting therefore how are you going to meet my childs need as documented in the statement. It made them stand up and listen. If you find your child is not coping when his hours are increased you can alway ask for an emergency review. (Put it in writing then they can not ignore it) Jen
  9. Lou Lou you acted on your instints so do not feel bad. May be you could use the situation to explain to your child that when people get hurt they feel sad just like he felt sad yesterday. Some times you can see the hurt as in blood and bruises sometime the hurt is inside and no one can see it. My eldest was using a knife and the youngish(ASD) got in the way, then the sharp knife fell into my childs foot. He has never forgot this incidence. Jen
  10. compulsory school age is the term after the child is 5 years. Reference Dfes Jen
  11. Excellent news at least you can relax a little. Jen
  12. Legally the school are not discriminating against your son until he is five years old. (You need to check because I think it is the term that the child is 5 in when he has to be in school.) Jen
  13. We am taking it all the way to tribunal because all the evidence off everyone apart from the LEA goes in our sons favour. Where were the LEA 3 months ago when we were discussing the same child with the same conditions just closing there ears. Jen
  14. If legally your son does not have to be in school full time. Then why not just take him mornings only but say to the school your child is either going all day or just the morning session. Then when he is 5 he will be going full time. They have from now to put in the resources funding etc. We had to do this with our child. It is not viable to take your child to school several times as he needs a routine. The other option is to say your will accompany him in the afternoon. That way you can see what is going on in the school. You will know how your child is managingand observe what the school are doing with your child. If you do go into school do not stay by your child as the school can leave you to teach your child. The school will also know then that you are not going to do anything they say and take the problem away. The school should be getting in specialist support service and ed psy to monitor your child and advse on what stratergies the school can use. Ask the school to refere you son to these services. Jen
  15. We are going to tribuanl in a few months because we do not agree with our sons statement. We do not agree with part 2 or part 3 of the statement. The LEA senior officer rang to day to say they had just finished having a meeting about our son. They were willing to give him back the 25 hours we had asked for. They also wanted us to meet them to discuss what we wanted in our sons statement. The LEA officer said the recommendations we had asked to be included for the proposed statement were too long. It was two pages long. They told me the statement should just be a short introduction to how my son is now. This is an LEA officer stating this. I told them I was not prepared to compromise with my childs difficulties. The statement is a legal document that should describe my child difficulties and how they affect him then section 3 should address his needs.
  16. jen


    I am glad it went well. You can relax for a small amount of time before you go onto the nest battle. Jen
  17. Its wrong for a professional to lead you down one path towards ASD and then remove that statement. The nursery staff do not have the experience or the knowledge to diagnoses your child. Write down your concerns about your child and take the list to any appointments you have so you can mention your concerns. I would ask for referal to another psychatrist. You have a right to a second opinion. Jen
  18. has she put it in writing to deregister her son or just said it verbally. Keeping a note off the doctor will give you friend some time. However the school may feel the parents will just take the child out of school when he is not coping and therefore remove the problem from the school. Ipsea would be the best people to speak to. You can have a dual placement put on the statement part school part home tuition or special unit. Jen
  19. you should say to the school you have seen an improvement and are please at how he has settled in. See what they have put in his IEP, do you have any suggestion and have the school got any questions they would like to ask you. Jen
  20. Sometimes our children get picked on because they are seen by other children to get there way. My child has been bullied due to jealousy by some of the other children. I agree with what has already been said Jen
  21. There are new advances in audiology for children with sensory integration dysfunction with sensory processing difficulties. This is the forfront of new technology with new devices similar to what deaf children wear. You need to be seen by both an audiologist and ENT consultant who specialise in this area. The first step is an indepth assessment of what the child hears in different environments Jen
  22. We have no choice we have to keep up with the latest (It is not my standard). It seems so strange that Opticion do not keep up with some of the things that are going on. The general public rely on these people to advise them. If the opticions do not have the knowledge to refer these people on to other Opticions who specialise then the public get a second rate service. It also means that our relatives or children etc have to continue to suffer. Jen
  23. The diagnosis only affects your sons life may be your ex does not think its important or may be he is in denial Jen
  24. My ASD child is more funny than my normal child He lights up my life Jen
  25. We work in the medical profession and are also very busy. But we do read our journals and know what iis happening even if we do not know it in detail. WE also have to keep up to date with government legislation and all the things which it brings with it. We also have to work to targets and improve on the previous year. Also attend meetings in our own time and also run a home and family life. There is always new research and drugs coming out in medicine that we need to keep up with. Also the licensing and changes to license of different drugs. So I can not understand how Optometrist can not know about (even though it is not in detail) the changes going on. Especially in the region which Ian is involved. For things to work and become successful knowledge and resources need to be shared for the benefit of the patients they deal with. Surely there is a professional organisation that Optometist join who can get hold of research articles and promote good practice. If the Optometrist do not know what is going on and are the general public suppose to know. Jen
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