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Everything posted by V1971

  1. My son took part this year and he did very well. He did some singing and did his dancing with his partner, i am so proud! He was a bit restless towards the end and kept on asking his teacher when it was going to end, but all in all he did great!
  2. It is bittersweet, but knowledge is power and, like you say, your boy will get the help that he needs. HUGS.
  3. I heard that it benefits some people, but only for a while. It costs �800 in my area privately eekkk, my son won't wear headphones so it's out of the question for us, but TBH who wants to pay that much if after 6 months you're back to square one?
  4. We have an excellent provision in the London Borough of Barnet. When my son was diagnosed at the age of 3 he received 6 hours a week of 1:1 early intervention at home and one speech & language session a week. This year he started school (reception) and he got 34 hours in his statement. I couldn't ask for more, I am very pleased.
  5. My son has been receiving that for nearly a year, he was shy and un-cooperative at first but he now loves it! This service will however end when my son turns 5 because school will take over.
  6. Thanks Chris and thanks everyone, my son starts Reception on Thursday, I am a nervous wreck!
  7. Oh how annoying, I hope you don't have to wait long, it would have been good to have it done during the holidays. My son is having the same op on Thursday 16th, unfortunately it is in the afternoon and he won't be able to eat or drink anything all day, I am not looking forward to that, wish us luck!
  8. My son is the same way, he has been home for 4 weeks now and he's regressed and his noise tolerance is very bad, he covers his ears all the time and doesn't tolerate being with other children because he finds them noisy, I am pulling my hair out!
  9. {{hev}} I am so sorry, what a horrible position to be in, be strong sweetie!
  10. Happy forum anniversary!
  11. You made me smile because I totally relate. LOL at the bible episode, that is something my son would do too ha ha. They are amazing individuals. If people knew how different our life is they wouldn't believe it. My son was throwing his rubber duck down the stairs earlier this morning and I asked him to 'stop throwing the duck down the stairs'. So he turned around and grabbed his train and threw that down the stairs instead
  12. Thanks everyone for your input. {HUGS}
  13. Aro thanks for that, I'll have a look too.
  14. Bard, I would try anything, even the blue cleaner LOL. Yes, his Dad showed him a few times but he is working long hours all the time so that doesn't help. It sounds like I am doing the right thing, I just need to be patient. I only started potty training last week. I hate it.
  15. That's what we're doing and hopefully he'll pee in it one day, I just wish he could stand right by it rather than a couple of feet away! Thanks for the heads up about the balls, that sounds something he might like! Thanks everyone!
  16. We do have the small ring attached to the seat, he won't sit on it just like he won't sit on the potty. I guess I have to be persistant and hopefully one day it will happen. I just wish he was potty trained before he starts school in Sept. Thanks anyway.
  17. OMG my son is having the same thing done on 16th August. He has just turned 4 but doesn't have any idea, he doesn't underdstand. They will admit us the day before the op and then stay the night after the op as well, so 2 night and 3 days I am dreading it! Please let me know how your daughter is doing so I know what is to come. {HUGS} I'll be thinking of you.
  18. My son just turned 4 and I am trying to potty train him. We are skipping the potty and going straight to the toilet. He will stand about 2 feet from the toilet and go 'pssss' but won't do anything because he is afraid of the hole in the toilet. 5 mins later he will pee on the floor and cry. Mom of boys, what worked for you? Help!
  19. My son loves our local Sainsburys. He asks to go there at least twice a day. Not good for my purse!!
  20. I wanna give you a big {{HUG}} because I have been in your shoes.
  21. I am delighted for you, best of luck!
  22. I'd be furious, I am sorry!
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