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Everything posted by smallworld

  1. Thanks Paula and Phasmid, I got called in to see Senco when we arrived at school, I was expecting to hear that a parent had complained but she just wanted to ask me if I could suggest any other strategies to deal with this shouting out cos his class teacher is finding it really wearing too. As is my style for the mo, I ended up This has been the first thing that has really got me feeling totally defeated, or deflated Strangely, yesterday my sister told me that my grandmother would not allow 'fat pig' to be used in her house, it was the one thing she went totally mad about and she once chased my uncle down the street with a broom after he dared say it Good job I don't possess a broom ! Anyway, I did tell senco that we had run out of ideas to deal with this latest behaviour, and my last ( and barmiest !) idea was that maybe we should allow him to say it at home in return for not saying it at school ? If we can get him out of saying it at school I think I will becomes less stressed and more able to ignore this particular phrase and hopefully he'll get bored when there's no reaction and it will gradually disappear. What do you think ? thanks for reading my ramble, wac
  2. Hi, as usual I am saving what's really bothering me until the wee small hours ! My 6 yr old son's latest thing to shout is 'SHUT UP, YOU FAT PIG', this is something he heard in an argument between his older siblings over a month ago. Since then he is shouting this everytime he doesn't get his own way or is asked to do something he doesn't want to do. I have tried, not always with success, to ignore this and give him no attention when he's saying it. I have also tried to give him something less objectionable to shout. I have tried rewarding him for only using 'good' words rather than 'naughty words' I have finally resorted to 'NO nanan & grandad's' I have to admit I've tried the smacked bum method but he thinks this is hilarious and enjoys it Nothing is working, any ideas ? He's now doing this at school (mainstream) which is causing me, and them, major worries, how long's it going to be before a parent complains ? ( I do have my answer ready to their complaints ! ) thanks, wac
  3. Me too <'> Am I right in thinking it only takes one signature for a section ? I know it will be difficult if both parents don't agree on this action, but if you're doing what you feel to be the right thing.... I hope you soon get some help, wac P.S. my nephew was sectioned at 18 by his father, he would have not sought help by himself, he still can't see why he needed help.
  4. It must be more our local store then I think, sorry Tally wac
  5. Hi, I was told today that Claire Sainsbury is the grandaughter of the founder of 'Sainsbury's' It would explain why this particular supermarket does seem more clued up than most on asd, especially with regard to employing asd members of staff ? Sorry, not exactly relevant to the original post
  6. smallworld


    Many Happy Returns to TM and Paula, wac
  7. My nephew often gets one really red ear, and I have mentioned it to his mum but she doesn't think it is connected to what he eats. he is 5 and I think totally hyper ( he exhausts me, and both my boys are hyper !) She did take him to the doc when he was around 3 because he was, and is, quite demanding. the gp just said he was naughty !! I have been looking into low salicylate diets for my younger son, and I wonder if this problem could be the cause of my nephew's red ear and his hyperactivity ? wac
  8. Yep, I agree, the professionals go home at the end of the day and can switch off ! when I'm being given advice by these people I always have to think, 'yes ,great idea' ( in a calm, ideal world ) but can I carry this out day after day.....?' As for friends and family, slowly slowly approach, or take off on holiday (if you dare) and leave em to it ! wac sorry, will try to come back to this in a better frame of mind.
  9. happy birthday HH keep up your blog, it's great ! wac
  10. I think it was Liz Taylor who said 'You can keep your figure OR your face' I know which camp I'm in wac
  11. Hi, I would hang fire for a bit, if he has a big graze or cut under the dressing, it will hurt to bend it or put any weight on it. watch him managing the stairs over the next couple of days, if he's struggling to even come down both feet on each step, then I'd think about getting him x-rayed. I'm no expert but took my 12 dd to A&E acouple of weeks ago with a bad knee and she had a knee sprain. I have a torn ligament in my knee, and coming downstairs is a killer ! hope T feels better tomorrow, have a look under the plaster ! wac
  12. smallworld


    Hi Nikki, can I ask what your GP prescribed instead ? I'm asking cos apart from the worry about this antibiotic itself, the bright yellow colour sends my son totally bananas ! Our pharmacist gave me a couple of other names but I've lost the scrap of paper ! thanks, wac
  13. Yep, I've had a go, the figure of eight thingy gets me, I really need to practise this ! I knew about 'brian gym' long before my son's dx cos my cousin is a headteacher in Scotland and they've be doing this for a while, and she gave me lots of tips for exercises for my older son. I do think it's a really useful programme, especially the drinking lots of water advice, lots of schools seem to have now adopted only this bit ! wac
  14. Hi, At my son's infant school all the children do 'brain gym' every day. The exercises are mainly, I think, to do with improving proprioception. I have a booklet somewhere (!) with the info and the exercises. PM me if you want a look, wac
  15. Yep, my DOH will watch things we've seen before and still howl with laughter, it drives me mad !! he can watch 'Fawlty Towers' over and over and still laugh ! the exception for me is 'Del Boy' falling through the hatch in an episode of 'Only fools..' This makes me crease up very time I see it
  16. Thanks Malika, just had a quick read through, and that's just the sort of info I am looking for to prepare for my onslaught on the paed. OT ! will read again tomorrow when I'm more awake, wac
  17. Darky, we are just setting out on getting a dx for our son, aged 10 with a similar story of being passive at school, although this veneer is starting to crack ! Your story gives me hope that we are right in our feelings about 'the boy' despite school having no concerns, good on yer ! wac
  18. What's the air like up there Carole and Kathryn ? Have you got altitude sickness on Mount Kilimanjaro ? or have you acclimatised now ? Does it mean you can sleep more ? If so I'll keep on posting to reach those heights.... wac
  19. Sorry to be so late to this but Congratulations to you all ! and hope you're fast asleep at the time I posted this ! wac
  20. Loulou, I hope you're tucked up in bed having a good night's sleep <'> I've had much the same day with my 6 yr old so I can know how you feel and if you're like me, Things were so bad here that my 10 yr old asked to go to stay at nan-nans ( he's still there ) and I had to get my 12 yr old DD to take the 6 yr old to his room whilst I regained my composure Hope we have a better day tomorrow ! wac
  21. Hi, re. gameboys, CD players etc., it's usually just during take-off and landing that they're not allowed to be used. my son wears ear defenders on plane journeys and they even tried to make me take them off when we came into land cos 'he wouldn't hear any warning instructions' TBH, I'd rather he didn't hear them ! although he did spend much of the journey adopting the 'brace' position from the safety film, so perhaps he might get the gist of impending disaster After several years of almost happy flying, he is adamant that he is NOT going on an aeroplane to Portugal in 7 weeks time, he is staying with Nan-nan ! Back to the social stories I think, cos in popular parlance in our house : 'I think you'll find you are going to Portugal' his reply : 'I think you'll find I'm not !' That'll be news to Nan-nan wac
  22. I notice Ms. Bogdashina is a consultant for adults with autism in our area. Sorry, another bit of potentially useless information from the wacco household ! wac
  23. pull-ups were bogof at tesco's last time I looked ! daren't buy any more, they are taking up too much space !! wac
  24. morrisons / safeway too ? blackcurrant hi-juice has no aspartame but does have sodium benzoate in it most drinks have this in some form, I think. I just make it really weak ie. just show the glass the bottle and only let em have one glass at mealtimes, if they're still thirsty than they get water ( am mean mum !) when the shopping just been done then they have diluted apple juice, wac
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