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Everything posted by bevalee

  1. Yes, stick to your guns! My son wasn't statemented until year 10. They tried to fob us off with a PRU unit, which just wasn't suitable. I'm happy to say that he now attends a specialist school for AS. Don't give up, the LEA will try anything just to save money!
  2. Hi I really don't know what to do about this one! My son started a Residential AS school in Someerset in April 05. At the Tribunal i said i would be quite happy to do the transport, my Barrister asked for a mileage allowance. I received a letter back yesterday refusing any help with mileage' Apparently there was a 'Parental Assertion' of taking full responsibility for transport and finance! That definatly was not in the deliberations of the panel at the hearing. I am so sick of fighting for everything!!
  3. bevalee


    A warm welcome to all of the new members!
  4. Hi Annie We had something similar happen to us last year. When my son was diagnosed AS, he told his 'best friend'. This boy made my son's life hell! He was frightened to go out in the end. Then we had eggs at the windows and my car vandalised 3 times. In the end the police were V.good and the boy was charged. You must record everything that happens and keep a diary. So sorry this is happening to your son. <'> <'>
  5. Hi My son is 15 and his room is a tip! Every where he go's he makes a mess and i'm forever clearing up after him. He likes to have all of his clothes ironed. I put them away and he puts them on the floor! I could ring his neck
  6. Hi Hev Sorry you've had such a rough time! We got back last Wednesday from Bude, Cornwall. Ours didn't go that well either! R had some major melt downs in public too! Was glad to get back!
  7. Ive tried to download the work book but you are asked for a user name and password.
  8. Hi Hev That's great news! Things really seem to be on the way up for you at long last.
  9. My son isn't going through the 'Kevin' stage. He is KEVIN !
  10. Don't feel so guilty now!
  11. bevalee


    Well my son is called Ryan. I know of 2 others with ASD/ADHD and a few regarded as just naughty Kids!
  12. bevalee


    It was fantastic news! I Sat with Bid and all of the other parents at the sports day. Just couldn't help myself Every child received an award and they were all so proud. It was truly a great day!
  13. OH!!! Don't think i've ever logged out!
  14. Hi Carol My son is in a residential school, and he is very happy. Don't panic! He attends an independant special school for AS, and it does come highly recommended. Especially by me, my son and a few other parents on this site. Not all schools are the same.
  15. bevalee


    A 'BIG' hello to all the new members! Welcome aboard!
  16. Posted that wrong. Its myself that gets in free, as the carer.
  17. I neverl pay for Ryan at Vue Cinema's. If you have proof of DLA then they go in free anyway.
  18. That's really lovely! I don't even get a card
  19. bevalee

    clumsy boy

    Sorry, missed out the 'Have'!
  20. bevalee

    clumsy boy

    Hi It is common to Dyspraxia with AS, my son has this diagnosis too!
  21. Hi Lesley I had independant reports on my son, diagnosed As/ADHD Dec 03. The LEA did acknowledge them just before going to Tribunal for a statement. He is now in an independant school especially for AS. But Camhs still do not believe he has anything wrong except behaviour problems! They have even telephoned the school to ask thier oppinion! The whole system 'SUCKS'!!
  22. Oh Bid! <'> <'> Don't feel bad about it, you are only human! Some times it just has to all come out, we've all been there.
  23. bevalee


    That's terrific news <'> <'> For Sam
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