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Everything posted by stressedmumto2

  1. Try the local main library hun. They used to have a speacil needs area in there where you could loan equipment, toy's etc. That was only about 3 years ago so I would imagine they still have it there. <'> Or have a look here http://www.tfhuk.com/viewproducts.asp?catI...=MSE%20Packages
  2. ridiculous completly ridiculous
  3. I second what Lizzie has said to you. I think social stories will help him. I am toolooking at boarding for my son, not because I wnat a break from him but because I am thinking it may be the best possible thing for all of my family and for him. Good luck with it and I hope it all goes well. <'>
  4. Really felt for you as I read your post then. My son also went on concerta and I recently took him off it because I thought it made him more violent. It helped wonderfull with the concentration but I felt he was concentrating more on the arguing with everything including taking them. I tried evrything too to get him to take his meds. A first and then board has now been introduced where he is not allowed in the lounge untill he has taken med's, obviously this is much harder with the slow release as really it needs to be given at the same time everyday and if they show reluctance like my son used to there was the odd day when it would have just been too late to give it to him. The first and then board is just that a piece of paper with first and then on it and below each word a picture of first his tablet then the telly. This now works but it has taken a very long time. My son I think was refusing it because he doesn'tunderstand why he has to take them, I also think they may make him feel funny. I would try and ask your son if it's making him feel funny because if he has taken it ok so far then maybe he doesn't like how it is making him feel. Overall do you see much improvement from this medication ? Don't let the proffesionals bully you into your son taking them meds, for too long I listened to them say to me about his meds changing and that we shouldn't of kept changing because of that I stayed on a med which just wasn't right for him. At last he is calmer, a lot calmer. Do what you think is right for you. I tried to bribe my son with taking his,hiding it everythiung but he didn't want totake them, now I wonder why,was it that which was making him worse. I would also speak to the paed about if it is available in liquid form. Most of all goodluck with what you try and choose. <'>
  5. Paula, my family are the opposite. When I have mentioned perhaps putting my son into boarding to give him, yes HIM a better quality of life my family has been outraged and said how could I. The thing is not one of them are willing to give me a break even for a few hours without being paid, lol (that's another story). And the fact he is not getting an education at the moment and that I can't give him all of what he wants and needs. It annoys me that they don't care about the impact he has on our whoile family and yet can say that I shouldn't do something which I think will be the best for him and enrich his life. ###### family. The last time they seen us was over a week ago,mum moaned cos I asked for a bag of crisps, lol. So we left. If I take into consideration the last time my mum come to my house that would be about a year ago and we only live 3 miles away, what her excuse WORK. My rant over now, hehe And to add to that s/s think that if they tell family how serious things are and ask them they will offer help, I don't think so
  6. I think the best thing to do is accept that some people will never understand it. They will never understand our children or how we try to do things, my god I know I am alot more patient than that of some friends who hane normal children and they too will say it, lol. I think for me it is time to give up trying to get people too understand, unless you live with it or know someone who struggles with it or have a strong interest in it you will never understand and alot of people wont want to because most of all they will always try and compare their perfect lives. I am so sorry you've had to deal with this. Sending you a hug and hope you feel better soon <'>
  7. Glad the funeral went well. Take care <'>
  8. Sorry to hear you had such a bad day. I know what it's like when everyone is saying there are no problem's I had that for 2 years even dad was saying he's like a normal child because he didn't want them to think he couldn't cope. In the end time took it's toll on son and his coping at school was no more. He was excluded 6 times in the space of just a few weeks and then that led to him not wanting to go back. In the end noone could say it was just me he had problems with as very quickly it spiralled out of control. I don't want to alarm you but it could happen all so quickly. Keep fighting for your son and the help you need as a family, even though he's coping at school there may be a day when he doesn't. Do you get any outside support ? Try and get some, maybe just a worker coming to the hom for a few hours a week then they too would be able to see what it's like. As hard as it is and we all want our children to behave when others are around but others need to see how it is affecting you. Please don't give up, let everyone know the problems you are having, write letters and cc everyone in, so everyone know's what is happening then it can't be swept under the carpet. Good luck and stay strong <'>
  9. Very very true for those living with special needs children. <'>
  10. Argh, poor you. My son is like this hates social family get togethers and has refused many of his dad's familys events including wedding and christening. Worse thing is they just don't get it all of the otehr children in the family love it and they expect him to. I think that part of his hating them has actually made him reluctant to spend time with his dad through fear of having to spend time with so many others. You could try asking her to send him a card telling him what is going to be happening, maybe as an invitation. That way they are still telling him but you are in more control of when he know's about it. It's written down so he will read it and understand it more and maybe you could try doing him a social story about what happens at these events and why he needs to go. I would also be having a right go at them in a nice way and tell them how this upsets him and that if they are going to do this you wont allow them to speak to him over the phone. Hope it all goes well for you <'>
  11. My son hardly ever get's ill. When he had chicken pox and was covered he still never made a big deal with it. If he ever does get a bug it generally normally lasts 6 hours at the most whilst everybody else get's it for 12 or 24 hr's. He just doesn't seem to get poorly.
  12. To add to that he's been off school for over a month already before they had broken up due to exclusions and now refusing togo back. Here's to hoping he will go back after the holidays
  13. So sorry you are having such a sh*t day but I had to laugh. Reading your post from I cleaned the windows only mine was ploughing thorugh ironing was like I had written it myself, lol. I hope you have a better day tomorrow Sending you a hug <'>
  14. I ddn't have a form to fill in we got a letter from them to say that paed has been in contact and could we go in and have an appointment, they wanted to see all of us. From then on it went pretty quick and we had appointments staraight away.
  15. Duh, silly me you wouldn't still be in townnow would you unless u was in an internet cafe. Enjoy your wine anyway
  16. Oh dear, sorry to hear your news, never happens in our group If your in town make the most of it go to the pub and have a nice drinky in peace and quiet, enjoy
  17. Oh wow, that is wonderfull. A friend of mine was recently surprised to watch my son make a cup of tea and his new thing is making bacon sarnies, very dangerous I know for a 7 year old. I now have to keep a very watchfull eye on him and lock the kitchen door at night times.
  18. It really depends on if you want to have to deal with the crying. My son was very clingy to the stage that he wouldn't even be left with his dad sometimes. Eventually I started to leave him with close people for maybe 5 minutes and use a timer (sand) then increased it using a cooker timer then as he got older we used a clock to point out when I would be back. At 2 and half it's hard as they really don't have any concept of time but most of it will be a trust thing, will mummy come back so by saying u will be back at a time and then coming back then it will enforce it to him that you are still going to come back. Once you gradually get it done maybe 5 mins in a different room then up it he will become more secure, even try talking to him when you are out of the room so he still hears your voice, although you've probably already done this also leave him with some activities to do. It is really tough what you are going through but with time he will gradually go off to do his own stuff. My son is 7 now he still wants to be carried and climbs all over me but he will do his own stuff now and I can leave him to occupy himself, so long as I still do the talking and he know's i'm nearby.
  19. Sounds like a really good night and a big learning curve. Well done <'>
  20. stressedmumto2


    I don't think you said anything wrong at all. But I doknow how you feel. The other week when I had spoken to the head she looked like she was about to turn on the taps and I felt really bad, mostly cos she's only been head since after x-mas and that was when all our big problems strated, she hadn't been informed properly by SENCO. Don't worry about it. <'>
  21. Adding it to favourites, nice read and quite clear
  22. Bit late but hope it is going really well;-)
  23. Glad you had a nice time today and well done to your son for going with his dad. <'>
  24. My son too has gone through stages of this. At the moment we are on gd stage and he is starting to get back into his routine with going out with his dad. I remember when he was about 3 if I tried to leave him in with his dad he would try to kick the door down. I would go with what others have suggested, try to gently wean him away from you. Give him small rewards if he manages to stay with someone else even if it is for 5 mins, then gradually build it up. Give him lots of warning, maybe a visual going to shop with dad then after time on pc or sweets. Also give him lots of praise when he does manage it. Good luck with it. It must be a hard time for you <'>
  25. Excellant news, very welldone to J
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