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For those who dont struggle with bedtimes what time do you go.?


and wake up?


For those who have difficulties what time do you go? and if you was magically given a time you would be able to sleep what time would you go?


Just want to ask what a normalish bedtime for an adult/



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Hi Jsmum,


Well I'm still up at the moment - just about to go in a mo - and I'll be up for work in the morning at about 7'ish. I don't find it easy to get to sleep so I'd rather stay up a while otherwise I'll be led there getting annoyed about not sleeping.


Other half normally goes to bed at around 10-10.30pm and is up at about 5.30am for work. I tend to stay up later because by the time I get the kids into bed and settled it's about 10.30-11pm and I like an hour or so to unwind........


I work with others who range from going to bed at around 9-10pm and get up at about 6'ish and then others go around 11-midnight and get up at 7'ish.


Most people I know either seem to be night owls who don't find it easy to get to sleep etc and would rather have that extra hour in the morning and others who can't keep their eyes open after 10pm but are wide awake at 5 or 6 whether they have work or not.


Take care,


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Just finished reviewing my 8 IEPs and annotating them with evidence, so bed is sounding pretty good.

B goes around 9.30pm, G is around 11ish.

I try and get to bed before 1am, but if I have to bring work home with me, I don't do it whilst the children are awake because I'd rather spend my time with them.

And G needs the boy-free time to share with me. She's a very low key and undemanding daughter, but she needs to be special sometimes, considering how much time B can absorb and how very physically present he is all the time!

So, how much sleep in this time slot? I'll be up by 7am and at work by 8. 4 hours then.

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Well, I work a rota of 4 nights on, 4 nights off (plus overtime, which is often 5 nights on, 3 nights off).


When I'm working I finish at 7am, then home and school run so I go to bed when I get back just after 9am. Then I sleep until about 2.50pm, when I get up to do the school run again. So between 5 and 5 and a half hours.


My new years resolution was to sleep more, so when I don't work I try to get to bed before 11ish, then the alarm goes of at 6am to allow for tea in bed and beating all the children through the bathroom! So about 7 to 8 hours.


I only work term times, so during the school holidays, I go to bed about 12ish, and we wake up naturally without the alarm...at the beginning of the holidays this is usually coming up for 10, but as I recover from working nights I seem to wake up naturally between 7 and 8!


Boho :dance:

Edited by bid

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I need 10hrs a night!! I normally go to bed about 10pm and get up 7.30am. Although that sleep was broken last night as ds got up at 3am for the day :crying: Me and dh try to take it in turns when he does that

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I work nights, so even on my days off, it's all a bit messed up. When I am on holiday I tend to go to bed around 10-12 and wake up around 6am.


I find that I feel best if I stick with a good routine. Some days I want to stay in bed longer, but if I give in to it, I end up feeling like that every day, and being very tired the rest of the time. If I force myself up at a certain time, it's then easier the rest of the week to get up at the right time and I feel less tired generally. I do make exceptions sometimes, but I do find that sticking to a routine leaves me feeling less tired.


Most people need around 8 hours of sleep, but if you feel tired, you probably need more. You probably need to look at what time you need to be up in the morning and work backwards from there.

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i go bed about 11 - 11.30 and im up for 6 ish. Although j gets up at 4.30 everyday and if hes running around or trying to wake the others i get up then.

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Bout 12 ish, alhtough when I was really down jan/feb time I went at 10.30 and switched off phones. By the time j is settled its nearly 10, he goes at 9, the other 2 go at 7-30 and 8, I need some time just to unwind and spend with oldest ds, 19 today :thumbs: if he is around, I read, watch tv, go on this site! and have a drink. Enid

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Workdays, between 11-12, get up at 7. Can take hours to get to sleep though so its rarely 7 hours. I catch up at weekends & am never seen before 9:30 am!

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Between 10 and 10.30 and if I'm at work I get up about 7.15 - 7.30 if not it varies but not usually before 8.45 if I can manage it!!!

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Whenever my eyes won't stay open anymore, usually between 10 and 12.My husband goes to bed at all times because he works till 3.30am some nights. :wacko:

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I'm not a morning person, and find when the alarm goes off at 6 am on school days I feel drugged and have to get up immediately and go have a wash with cold water just to bring myself round.......if I switch the alarm off for a snooze, there is no hope :hypno:


I am a night owl though, and could quite happily mooch about all night, till about 3 am, and I find it impossible to go to bed and switch off if I'm worrying about something, so my sleep pattern is always really affected when I'm feeling low or stressed.


I do try and go to bed at a reasonable hour, ranging from 10 pm - Midnight, but then I find if I don't read, I struggle to fall asleep...............then if it's a good book, I'm still up till the early hours.


On a school holiday youngest DD is still up at 6 am, although sometimes she will play for a while, but I do get a lie in if DH is off work, because we take it in turns to get up with her. I've found though, the more children I had, the less able I was to lie in. Now, even left to sleep, I usually wake up by 8.30 - 9 am, and find it impossible to drift off again once I'm awake.


So, I suppose my average nightly hours of sleep would range from 3 to 10, depending on day of week, mood, book, DD, DH's snoring, illness :wacko:


DH falls asleep wherever, even train station benches, and he has never had any probs sleeping, so he always gets a good nights sleep.


Youngest DD goes to bed at 7 pm, sleep at 8 pm, up at 6 am.


Eldest DD goes to bed at 8 pm, sleep at 9 pm, up at 7.30 am.


DS goes to sleep at around 10 pm on a school night, midnight during the hols, and gets up at 6.45 am on a school day, and when he feels like it on a school hols.

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Bed is usually around 12.30. Tend to wake up about 5.30-6.00 and get up around 6.30 in the week.


Eldest two kids don't get to bed until 10.30 so need some unwind time afterwards.




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I'm up at 5.30am so I need to go to bed early, so it's around 9pm. If I'm not feeling too good it'll be as early as 8.30pm. I have earplugs and lavender oil and I'm usually asleep in about 20 mins.




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Thankyou soo much for your fabulous feedback and I feel like I am having some of the similair issues with others here, Im similair to bagpuss in that I need to read, I cant really watch TV too near bedtimes as its usually the disturbing news that x y and z have masicured someone or a little girl is missing or something that gets me thinking the world is really scarey, even the radio news I turn off because of the stabbings and gun crime lately, doesnt make a nice story before closing eyes and going to sleep, so I do have a routine now of nice calming cd, I read Pychology Magazine, very insperational, good facts too, I get into my nice pJays, yes I wear Pjays, and get into a cozy duvet, and snuggle up, but for some reasons thats when the ability to rest and sleep doesnt always proceed producing amense ammounts of frustration and the biggest doses of palpatations even a high ability athlete wouldnt tolerate, and so its hard to sleep, I think part of me knows there the possiblity of been distrubed by J, as he struggles with night time, and requires my attention, other times on a evening if its been particullary stressful coping with challenging behaviour Im still chewed up, and my body ready for action, so what if its 3am my bodies ready but Im ready for the ZZZZzz just I cant break out my body, its like torture not been able to sleep, but the only person preventing is myself, its not like im been made to stay awake, I have all in place the tools but I feel safe and secure its just I think my body knows I need to be in action and I have a real difficulty relaxing in the first place so I set out a routine, Pjays, herbel tea, comfy bed, magazine and go from there, but its still not working, its still really hard, I have options that help reduce this esculating, where I get up, sit outside, or get a breath of fresh air, make another drink, do a boring task, like iron or tidy the books on the bookshelf, then try again, if that then doesnt work I ring a friend but its usually very early hours by then, so its 3am ish, then I really struggle waking up at 7am, if its a situation that stresses J then we have all those lovely challenges too, at times I feel so tired, so Im trying to establish a routine that will work, I have stopped napping in the early hours (40 winks,) nothing lengthy mind, but still Im jolting myself awake to remain consousios so bed time will be easier, I think by looking at the replys if I aim for around 11:30 pm I may be able to achieve something more than I am now, some evenings Js just fineally setteled just gone 1am so its really tricky, but he is much better with his visual time table and his melatonin and weighted blanket so I am finding some evenings a bit more time available, so i will aim for 11:30 ish, no point going any earlier, as its less likely I will sleep at all.


Ive struggled with sleeping for years so its going to take a while, I just know that the sleeping issue does make it harder in the day, and it adds to difficulties with having patience with J or ensuring we have a set routine, when Im up late its so hard to get into gear, its not often I do get up late but its certainly more of a challenge to get up at 7am when your eyes didnt close until gone 3am.


I think on average I get between 4 and 6 hours when really I need at least 7 to function to full me power.


Thankyou for your help as I know once I have cracked the sleep issue I will enhance my life during the day.



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last night i went to bed at 7pm with kate and woke up at 20 past 7 this morning!!thats really unususal though,im normally in bed by 10.30 and up at 7.30 am,i love my sleep and could happily lay in till bout 11.30

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last night i went to bed at 7pm with kate and woke up at 20 past 7 this morning!!thats really unususal though,im normally in bed by 10.30 and up at 7.30 am,i love my sleep and could happily lay in till bout 11.30



wow, your post would be a result for me, when I finally get there, can you really sleep for all those hours, thats 12 hours, that amazing, you sure must of needed it!




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The time I go to bed varies a little but on average probably is around 10:30-11:00pm. If I'm particularly tired this goes forwards to about 10:00am occasionally. At other times (mainly holiday) and sometimes at weekends it maybe around 12:00 but that is rare. As for getting up on a school day it is usually when my alarm goes off at 6:45am but for some reason the last few days I've woken at 6:00am before my alarm. (Urgh!) If I don't need to get up it's more like 9am but that is rare at the moment as I seem to have got myself into a regular sleep pattern and wake up at normal time even on weekends. On average I function best with around 8 hours per night but can manage periods with less or more. That said if I'm in a regular pattern I can almost fall asleep anywhere. When I was younger I used to be able to sleep through anything too (including the upstairs fire alarm - due to cooking luckily) on at least one occasion. Now days I'm not so bad normally but can be on occasions. Mum complained it took a lot to wake me up the other night when I fell asleep downstairs. All the best, David.

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wow, your post would be a result for me, when I finally get there, can you really sleep for all those hours, thats 12 hours, that amazing, you sure must of needed it!




i honestly think all the stress from wkend with steve drinking etc caught up with me and i just fell asleep relaxed,tonight i will go about 10.30 normal time

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I have found it nearly impossible to sleep some nights, especially when ds was at his worst Jan/Feb, I went to docs for something totaly unrelated and she asked me how I was sleeping, I said i`m not and she gave me some sleeping tablets, I only use them very occassionaly, when I have had a few nights of not much sleep or when, I have had a really truly awful day with ds and have to work next day, they are brill I get 8 straight hours with them :thumbs: and next day I feel like my old self again. Enid

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Well guys I am coming off here and closing down the computer now, If Im to be in bed by 11:30 I have to have at least an hours break from here, so off lefts hope I get into bed in an hour, let you know how it goes in the morning.


Night night guys.



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Hope you get a decent sleep tomight, J's mum.


I'm very like Bagpuss: I can stay up till about 2 am (as you can see from my posts!) - I like the peace of being the only one awake in a quiet house. If I go to bed before midnight that's an early night for me!


At times I overdo it and I'm like a zombie the next day if I have to get up for work/school run. I hate mornings and it takes me a long time, and several cups of tea before I'm functioning - even then I don't feel I'm firing on all cylinders before midday.


I keep planning to reform and go to bed before midnight. I do feel a lot better in the morning if I do. Trouble is, I sometimes lie awake for a couple of hours if I go to bed early, and that's very frustrating. I envy people who can fall asleep instantly.


K x

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i honestly think all the stress from wkend with steve drinking etc caught up with me and i just fell asleep relaxed


I do that when it all catches up :lol: I do that once every 2 weeks at present, i just get so exhausted i appear to others to be "drunk" and i feel drunk (except for spinning room stuff) and cant co-ordinate walking or anything and pretty much have to get to bed within 10-15 minutes other wise i will collapse and sleep where i fall!!! I can easily do 12 hours when im like that, and if i dont force myself to get up i can do 18hours but my bladder starts to fail me by then :lol:


Cant wait to get back to the days when i can sleep before midnight and wake up bright and alert at 6am. also i want the ability to sleep anytime, anywhere back!! That was one skill the military taught me but at the moment the place im sleeping has to be right otherwise i cant sleep. I remember working on the stabaliser on a Type 22 frigate a few years ago and had 15 minutes off so fell asleep right there in noisy engine room in the stabiliser space next to the hull!! :lol:

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Hmmmm.. can't sleep... :whistle:



Oh NOO, Well I was in bed before 12am and asleep before 1am and thought I was doing well, then J became upset and needed to attend to him throw the night, before 2am and after 3am and then after that struggled myself to sleep, I was well exhausted, but I have managed to sleep a little, its just one of those life frases, I hope I can settle like I did last night, and that J settles a bit better tonight on the whole the it was progress.



Edited by JsMum

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O heck it depends on my lad n if he is in sleep mode or not-if he is having a 'good' day then he is asleep by bout 11pm ish so im in bed for bout midnight but if my lad is having a bad day then anytime between midnight and 3am but also waking thru the night too. Weekdays without fail he wakes at 7.30am school day or holiday. Weekend he will wake at bout 8am Saturday n 7.30am Sunday cos he has Sunday school(his idea he is obsessed by religion!!!!!)at 10.30am n wants to be up in plenty of time!!??

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My sleep revolves around 3 little darlings..........

which usually means that I get to crash out at 1am and be up and fully fuctioning again at 3.30/4am!


This is not good when you really need 8 hours undisturbed sleep to feel human.


Hey ho! :hypno: (that's the nearest icon I could find to a zombie-sleep deprived looking one!)

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nikki i just dont know how you cope on that amount of sleep,do you ever get a lie-in?or can you have a nap in the day?if not,i just dont know how you cope,you deserve a medal >:D<<'>

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ha ha ha was speaking to my counsellor today about sleep and he says that my description of when i crash is basically reaching exhaustion and incredibly unhealthy :lol:


mmmm maybe i should go to bed earlier rather than post here at 4am :lol:



count the bunnies, count the bunnies


:robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie:

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I did pretty well and was in bed by about 1am. Wife stressed me out last night so was up until then tidying the flat. It does look really nice now though, setup the coffee maker so that we could have coffee and breakfast in bed :thumbs:

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You need one of those things that wakes you up in the morning and makes a loud, screaching sound.


And if she leaves you, you can always buy a teasmade :lol:

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nikki i just dont know how you cope on that amount of sleep,do you ever get a lie-in?or can you have a nap in the day?if not,i just dont know how you cope,you deserve a medal >:D<<'>


Hev - she's amazing :notworthy: . She also spends most days running about organising things to help OTHER families.


>:D<<'> :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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Other families problems are far easier to deal with than my own though Smiley - as you know oh so well :rolleyes:


Lie-in - yes, I do try when other half is home, but cannot manage the boys alone so it's usually more aggo then it's worth and I have even more chaos to deal with afterwards.

Nap - rarely as I'm usually too busy!


I'm sure I'll crash & burn soon.....

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Other families problems are far easier to deal with than my own though Smiley - as you know oh so well :rolleyes:


Lie-in - yes, I do try when other half is home, but cannot manage the boys alone so it's usually more aggo then it's worth and I have even more chaos to deal with afterwards.

Nap - rarely as I'm usually too busy!


I'm sure I'll crash & burn soon.....



Nikki that truely is amazing especially when all members of your family are somewhere in the spectrum, do you get any outside help, I sure couldnt cope on 2/4 hours sleeep with four family members effected by autism plus the house/chores, how on earth do you do it.



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Other families problems are far easier to deal with than my own though Smiley - as you know oh so well :rolleyes:

Its often easier to help others as its a good distraction and you can get satisfaction from using what youve learnt in your own situation to help others.


Just remember your not superwoman and you are a human.

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Thank you all - I know I am not superwoman (hey, just think of all the things I could do if I was!!) :dance:


I do get some help - ds2 goes for overnight respite one night a week and then to a Saturday club on alternate weekends, for which I am very grateful.

And we are due to start getting 2 hours help each week night with "bedtime routines" via direct payments, fingers crossed.


In my spare time I am writing a mini-essay to the local government ombudsman pleading for them to investigate our case!



Didn't mean to hi-jack the thread though....... sorry! :whistle:

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